Quaver def
Quaver def

quaver def

  • ‘A tall woman stomped into the clearing, holding a longbow and a quiver of arrows.’.
  • ‘He carried a longbow and a quiver of arrows and a sword-belt was at his side, although no sword was visible.’.
  • ‘He carried a small longbow and a quiver of arrows over his back.’.
  • ‘Archers drew their arrows from their quivers and readied to fire.’.
  • #Quaver def full

    ‘I packed my quiver full of arrows along with my armguard and left the palace.’.‘At the time of his death, Otzi was carrying an unfinished longbow, a quiver of unfinished arrows and a backpack.’.‘Smoothly, he drew another arrow from the quiver and nocked it to the bow.’.‘Joshua could make out that while some archers carried one quiver of arrows, many carried up to three.’.‘She was proud of herself for keeping the quiver from her voice.’.‘She said, louder this time, and with a quiver in her voice.’.‘I silently cursed myself for the quiver in my voice.’.‘The anger in her face could make the bravest man in the world quiver in fear.’.‘Her body froze as she saw the words, the words that made her quiver with fear.’.‘Her hands trembled, a fine quiver that rippled through her body.’.‘The only indication was the slight quiver of his upper lip as his eyes bore into James.’.‘He sounded calm, but I caught a quiver in his voice.’.‘I noticed a slight quiver in the man's lips, and to my surprise, he dropped his gun, staggered away, and collapsed to his knees.’.‘His face was calm, but the slight quiver in his words betrayed him.’.‘Yes, it was strictly the challenge that appealed to him, he told himself, ignoring a sudden quiver of breath.’.

    quaver def

    ‘He tried to keep his tone matter-of-fact and business-like, but he couldn't completely hide the quiver of emotion as he spoke of leaving her.’.‘There's just something in that voice, that slight quiver that lets you know he isn't hiding behind anything.’.‘Amy's voice filled the room, a slight, underlying quiver in her tone, as if she didn't want to hear more.’.‘Steel and acoustic guitars, fiddles, banjo, piano, accordion, harmonica, brass and upright bass create a bulbous, classic sound haunted by the quivers of musical saws and other alien devices.’.‘Although she had intended to sound indignant, the quiver in her voice betrayed the chuckle she was controlling.’.‘He ignored the slight quiver in his voice after all, these English rooms echoed so oddly.’.‘He had noticed her shaking and the slight quiver in her voice as she finished her story.’.‘I used to love doing that, jumping feet first into quivering mountains of brown and red, kicking my way through the gutters where the leaves collected best.’.‘She was met with the tip of a black sword quivering centimeters away from her nose.’.‘The flame quivered a little more then went out.’.‘And it was a relief when Jude swung the steel-hooked gaffing pole over the side, and hauled on board a solid, quivering muscle of a fish.’.‘I loved the way that the stage just transformed itself with quivering strands of material.’.‘Swung around the head by a string they produce quivering vibrations in the air and have particular significance for initiation rites.’.‘At the microscopic level of nature, everything is vibrant - sap flowing, leaves and blades of grass quivering in the wind - but the eye can hardly see them.’.

    quaver def

    ‘We also have the species Astrantia major with green flowers filled with pinkish stamen which quiver in the slightest of breezes.’.‘She brought the feather up to look at it and it quivered in the slight breeze.’.‘The earth shook and quivered underfoot.’.‘You are instantly transported into an enchanting vista of cool water-filled ponds that quiver and shimmer with shadows that change with the time of day.’.

    Quaver def